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Getting rid of the fat that builds up at the top of your abdominal muscles with diet and exercise alone is difficult. Many men and women find that even rigorous workouts in the gym fail when it comes to achieving that sculpted, athletic look they want. VASER liposuction in New York City provides the solution. This advanced liposuction procedure uses cutting-edge ultrasound technology to precisely target and remove unwanted fat and sculpt and define muscles to produce an athletic, svelte appearance.

VASER Liposuction Procedure

In the minimally-invasive VASER lipo technique, the plastic surgeon will first numb the treatment site by injecting a tumescent liquid or saline solution diluted with anesthetics. This expands the layers of tissue and makes the fat cells easier to remove. Small incisions are made and the device’s ultrasonic probe is inserted into the skin. The probe's high-energy ultrasound pulses selectively dissolve the adipose tissue making it easier to remove via suction. It also encourages the synthesis of collagen and tightens the skin. The procedure does not affect the surrounding blood arteries, nerves, and connective tissue. The procedure removes both small and large amounts of fat from any part of the body using the right probes.

Advantages of VASER Liposuction

Minimally Invasive with No Damage to Other Body Tissues

VASER liposuction utilizes ultrasonic technology to target and break down excess fat, while sparing surrounding tissues. Compared to conventional liposuction techniques, Vaser technology's accuracy enables a more regulated and delicate approach.

Minimal Risk of Bleeding, Bruising, and Discomfort

The procedure uses ultrasonic energy to emulsify fat, facilitating easy removal. As a result, there is less bleeding and bruising both during and after the surgery. Compared to conventional liposuction, patients frequently experience less discomfort both during and after the treatment.

Minimal Downtime

This minimally-invasive procedure usually requires less downtime than conventional liposuction because of its less intrusive technique and decreased physical trauma. After the treatment, many patients are back to their regular routines in a few days.

Promotes Skin Retraction

In addition to targeting and removing fat, ultrasonic energy also encourages the production of collagen. This helps tighten and tone the skin by encouraging skin retraction, providing the appearance of smoother contours.

Recovery after VASER Liposuction

Managing Post-Procedure Bleeding

During the initial 24 to 48 hours, there may be some bleeding and swelling in the treated region. Discomfort can be addressed by taking the prescribed medications. To lessen swelling, you'll need to wear a compression garment for a few weeks.

Short Recovery Time

Recovery from this procedure is usually faster than from standard liposuction.
The surrounding tissues are not as severely damaged by the procedure.

Time Frame for Visible Results

After three to six months, as your body adjusts to its new form, improvements become more apparent. It might take longer for some patients to observe results due to individual differences.


Long-lasting effects are possible and partly dependent on your lifestyle choices. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle that includes exercise and a balanced food is crucial.It keeps the body sculpting effects you've achieved and helps stop new fat from accumulating in both treated and untreated regions.

Ideal Candidate for VASER Liposuction

Weight Range

Ideally, you should weigh no more than thirty percent of your goal weight. As liposuction can only remove a certain amount of fat, if you happen to be overweight, you might want to think about losing the extra weight before the treatment.

Optimal Health

Your general well-being is of utmost importance. It is important to let your surgeon know if your health is not at its optimum. For the purpose of preventing any pre-existing diseases or problems from impeding your vaserlipo recovery, your surgeon will do a comprehensive assessment.

Muscle Condition

Although not required, it is frequently advised that patients either actively try to improve their muscle tone before the treatment or have good muscle tone already. This might result in an even better outcome.


Those who don't smoke are considered the best candidates for surgery. Nicotine has the potential to reduce blood flow, which will greatly lengthen the healing period and increase the risk of problems or infections. If you smoke, you should give it up before the operation or refrain from smoking for a few weeks both before and after.

Realistic Expectations

It’s important to have realistic expectations. Your surgeon will work with you to make sure you know exactly what to anticipate from the treatment, the recovery period, and the outcome.

If you're thinking about getting VASER liposuction in NYC, consult a skilled cosmetic surgeon at a plastic surgery center that has earned AAAASF accreditation. It is crucial that the surgeon has a great deal of expertise with this cutting-edge technology. In addition, a specialist would have the aesthetic sense to provide excellent body shaping outcomes.

keywords: VASER Liposuction, NYC

member since: May 03, 2024 | Viewed: 57

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